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The most important thing to me about teaching is going into the classroom fully prepared to create an effective learning experience for my students. Accounting can be an intimidating subject because students come with a preconceived notion that it will be difficult. My task is to put the students at ease by creating a personable, visually rich, enjoyable, and interactive experience.  As an expert in the field, I bring real-life accounting and reporting into the classroom. As an example, when teaching them how to analyze financial statements or footnotes, I can take the students to actual financial reports of major corporations with familiar names using technology—delivering accounting information from a real-world context directly into the classroom. Bringing financial information to students in this manner adds value to learning accountancy; while making it less mundanely academic, more relatable, and relevant.


I enjoy lecturing and engaging with students; however, my teaching pedagogy includes social interaction, like flipping the classroom. Students become active participants in the learning process instead of always being passive listeners to lectures. I encourage students to work in groups both in and out of the classroom. They can select a group spokesperson on a rotating basis to present group work. This method of teaching facilitates learning, student interaction, confidence-building, risk-taking, create team-building, and support.


Assessment of students' understanding of the information taught during a class conducted with active questions and answer sessions allows for further student engagement. Accounting is a hands-on learning experience, and best learned through repetition. I am an avid user of technology in and out of the classroom by giving assignments and quizzes for reinforcement.


My pursuit of a doctoral degree fosters my growth as an educator and an advocate for my students. I am becoming more knowledgeable about the administrative policies and strategies of higher education that directly affect and benefit students.

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